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Q347F ANSI Stainless Steel Fixed Ball Valve

manufacturer: Shanghai MeiYan Yi Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86 (21) 5640 2009
Mob: +86 138 1691 3072(WeChat Same Account)

product drawing

Q347F ansi stainless steel fixed ball valves
Q347F ansi stainless steel fixed ball valves

Product specification

Q347F ANSI stainless steel fixed ball valve is widely used in oil, natural gas, coal and ore extraction, refining, processing and pipeline transportation systems; in chemical products, medicine and food production; in hydropower, thermal power and nuclear power production systems; in the city and industrial water supply and drainage, heating, and gas supply system; in the fields of irrigation and drainage systems; in metallurgical production systems. It is an important mechanical product that relates to production and construction, national defense and people's lives. The valve is used to cut off or connect the flow in various kinds of piping system, makes the media transmit to the every designated place according to the predetermined program.

The product structural feartures

1、Manual part can use the steel-suppressed handle or stainless steel casting handle. Handle has limit structure, sets limit in the open and closed position. When the valve used in the key device, the limit part has been set with keyhole that can lock the switch position, to prevent misuse. There are obviously on and off identification on the handle.
2、Stem uses stainless steel (304.321.316.316L) whole forging and modulation processing, the hardness is up to HB220 ~ 250. Stem connects with handle through the flat key or spline or the square part, versatility, and easy to disassemble. Stem also has anti-blow structure.
3、The packing selects knitted, flexible graphite sealing rings or PTFE sealing ring, making stem to achieve a reliable seal in the certain lubricant circumstances.
4、According to the needs, the ball valve can be designed as anti-static structure. And we can set the electric-conductive spring between the ball and the stem, the stem and the body, to avoid static ignition ignitea flammable substances, to ensure system safely.
5、The Sealing forms are various. According to the different working conditions,we can choose soft seal, hard seal, fireproof seat structure; under DN150 is float form, and above DN200 is fixed ball form.
6、The seat can set a secondary sealing structure, in the seat and the stem part installed grease injection valve, it can seal temporarily when an emergency situation happens. And it can extend the stem as needed to fit underground, laying places.

Main connection dimensions

nominal pressure nominal diameter L d1 D D1 D2 D6 f f2 b Z-φd H1 H2
RF BW Full diameter Shrink diameter
150LB 1/2 108 140 13 - 89 60.5 35 - 2 - 12 4-15 - 59
3/4 117 152 19 - 98 70 43 - 2 - 12 4-15 - 63
1 127 165 25 - 108 79.5 51 - 2 - 12 4-15 - 75
11/4 140 178 32 - 117 89 64 - 2 - 13 4-15 -  
11/2 165 190 38 - 127 98.5 73 - 2 - 15 4-15 - 95
2 178 216 51 - 152 120.5 92 - 2 - 16 4-19 - 107
21/2 190 241 64 - 178 139.5 105 - 2 - 18 4-19 - 142
3 203 283 76 64 190 152.5 127 - 2 - 19 4-19 - 152
4 229 305 102 76 229 190.5 157 - 2 - 24 8-19 - 178
5 356 381 127 102 254 216 186 - 2 - 24 8-22 - 252
6 394 457 152 127 279 241.5 216 - 2 - 26 8-22 - 272
8 457 521 203 152 343 298.5 270 - 2 - 29 8-22 - 398
10 533 559 254 203 406 362 324 - 2 - 31 12-26 335 495
12 610 635 305 254 483 432 381 - 2 - 32 12-26 385 580
14 686 762 337 305 533 476 412 - 2 - 35 12-29 430 625
16 762 838 387 337 597 540 470 - 2 - 37 16-29 470 720
18 864 914 438 337 635 578 533 - 2 - 40 16-32 - -
20 914 991 489 387 699 635 584 - 2 - 43 20-32 590 840
24 1067 1143 591 489 813 749.5 692 - 2 - 48 20-35 700 1050
300LB 1/2 140 140 13 - 95 66.5 35 - 2 - 15 4-15 - 59
3/4 152 152 19 - 117 82.5 43 - 2 - 16 4-19 - 63
1 165 165 25 - 124 89 51 - 2 - 18 4-19 - 75
11/4 178 178 32 - 133 98.5 64 - 2 - 19 4-19 - -
11/2 190 190 38 - 156 114.5 73 - 2 - 19 4-22 - 95
2 216 216 51 - 165 127 92 - 2 - 23 8-19 - 107
21/2 241 241 64 - 190 149 105 - 2 - 26 8-22 - 142
3 283 283 76 64 210 168.5 127 - 2 - 29 8-22 - 152
4 305 305 102 76 254 200 157 - 2 - 32 8-22 - 178
5 381 381 127 102 279 235 186 - 2 - 35 8-22 - 252
6 403 457 152 127 318 270 216 - 2 - 37 12-22 - 272
8 502 521 203 152 381 330 270 - 2 - 42 12-25 - 398
10 568 559 254 203 445 387.5 324 - 2 - 48 16-29 335 495
12 648 635 305 254 521 451 381 - 2 - 51 16-32 385 580
14 762 762 337 305 584 514.5 413 - 2 - 54 20-32 430 625
16 838 838 387 337 648 571.5 470 - 2 - 58 20-35 470 720
18 914 914 432 337 711 628.5 533 - 2 - 61 24-35 - -
20 99 991 483 387 775 686 584 - 2 - 64 24-35 590 840
24 1143 1143 591 483 914 813 692 - 2 - 70 24-41 700 1050
400LB 1/2 140 140 13 - 95 66.7 35 - 6.4 - 14.5 4-15 - 59
3/4 152 152 19 - 117 82.5 43 - 6.4 - 16 4-19 - 63
1 165 165 25 - 124 88.9 51 - 6.4 - 17.5 4-19 - 75
11/4 178 178 32 -                    
11/2 190 190 38 - 156 114.3 73 - 6.4 - 22.5 4-22 - 95
2 216 216 51 - 165 127 92 - 6.4 - 25.5 8-19 - 107
21/2 241 241 64 -                    
3 283 283 76 64                    
4 305 305 102 76 254 200 157 - 6.4 - 35 8-26 - 178
5 381 381 127 102                    
6 403 457 152 127 318 269.9 216 - 6.4 - 41.5 12-26 250 300
8 502 521 203 152 381 330.2 270 - 6.4 - 18 12-29 294 374
10 568 559 254 203 445 387.3 324 - 6.4 - 54 16-32 370 445
12 648 635 305 254 520 450.8 381 - 6.4 - 57.5 16-35 420 515
14 762 762 337 305 585 514.3 413 - 6.4 - 60.5 20-35 460 550
16 838 838 387 337 650 571.5 470 - 6.4 - 63.5 20-39 505 615
18 914 914 432 337                    
20 991 991 483 387 775 685.8 584 - 6.4 - 70 24-42 630 810
24 1143 1143 591 483 915 812.8 692 - 6.4 - 76.5 24-48 825 1010
600LB 1/2 165 165 13 - 95 66.5 35 - 6.4 - 15 4-15 - 59
3/4 191 191 19 - 118 82.5 43 - 6.4 - 16 4-19 - 63
1 216 216 25 - 124 89 51 - 6.4 - 18 4-19 - 75
11/4 229 229 32 - 133 98.5 64 - 6.4 - 21 4-19 - -
11/2 241 241 38 - 156 114.5 73 - 6.4 - 23 4-22 - 95
2 292 292 51 38 165 127 92 - 6.4 - 26 8-19 - 107
21/2 330 330 64 51 190 179 105 - 6.4 - 29 8-22 - 178
3 356 356 76 64 210 168.5 127 - 6.4 - 32 8-22 - -
4 432 432 102 76 273 216 157 - 6.4 - 38 8-25 - -
6 559 559 152 127 356 292 216 - 6.4 - 48 12-29 250 300
8 660 660 200 152 419 349 270 - 6.4 - 56 12-32 294 374
10 787 787 248 200 508 432 324 - 6.4 - 64 16-35 370 445
12 838 838 298 248 559 489 381 - 6.4 - 67 20-35 420 515
14 889 889 327 298 603 527 413 - 6.4 - 70 20-38 460 550
16 991 991 375 327 686 603 470 - 6.4 - 77 20-41 505 615
18 1092 1092 432 327 743 654 533 - 6.4 - 83 20-45 630 810
20 1194 1194 483 375 813 724 584 - 6.4 - 89 24-45 - -
900LB 2 368 368 47 38 216 165.1 92 - 7.92 - 38.5 8-26 - -
3 381 381 73 57 244 190.5 127 123.82 7.92 - 41.5 8-29 191 259
4 457 457 98 73 292 234.5 157 149.22 7.92 - 44.5 8-32 216 297
6 610 610 146 121 381 317.5 216 211.12 7.92 - 50 12-32 270 360
8 737 737 190 146 470 393.7 270 269.88 7.92 - 63.5 12-39 322 394
10 838 838 238 180 545 459.5 324 323.85 7.92 - 70 16-39 420 502
12 965 965 282 238 610 533.4 381 381.00 7.92 - 79.5 20-39 470 572
14 1029 1029 - - - - - 419.10 11.13 - 86 20-42 510 675
16 1130 1130 - - - - - 469.90 11.13 - 89 20-45 600 762
18 1219 1219 - - - - - 533.40 12.7 - 102 20-51 700 866
20 1334 1334 - - - - - 584.20 12.7 - 108 20-54 720 894
1500LB 2 368 368 47 47 216 165.1 124 95.25 7.92 - 38.5 8-26 126 217
3 470 470 73 73 267 203.2 168 136.92 7.92 - 48 8-32 191 259
4 564 564 98 98 311 245.5 194 161.92 7.92 - 54 8-35 216 297
6 705 705 146 146 394 317.5 248 211.12 9.52 - 83 12-39 296 365
8 832 832 190 190 483 393.7 318 269.88 11.13 - 92 12-45 378 475
10 991 991 238 238 565 482.6 371 323.85 11.13 - 108 12-51 495 578
12 1130 1130 282 282 675 571.5 438 381.00 14.27 - 124 12-54 542 696
14 1257 1257 - - 826 635 489 419.10 15.88 - 133.5 16-61 590 761
16 1384 1384 - - 915 704.5 546 469.90 17.48 - 146.5 16-67 670 831
20 1664 1664 - - 1170 990.6 673 584.20 17.48 - 178 16-80 750 950
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