Calculation For Intake runner length?
I'm currently working on an Individual Throttle body intake for my Car. I was wondering what to use to calculate the optimum runner length for the intake, before the throttle bodies. Better if there was a way to choose which Rpm the power would be coming on full. If anyone has any advice let me know...
Every individual body setup I've seen for racing on-road or off, has
runners just long enough to get the bodies nicely situated. In other
words, very short.
Actually the integra page you posted didnt really point me in the direction i was looking for, but it was some very interesting information. In the page it said that when running ITB's, that you didnt tune it for maximum resonant pulse... I guess what i'm looking for is similar, but different in the same respect. Really looking for how to calculate best performance of runner lengths and velocity stack lengths/sizes.
"Notice that with invididual throttle bodies (ITB's) you lose this
resonance effect because the reflected wave escapes out into the engine
bay (or the atmosphere/filter) and is not stored and returned by a
plenum/acoustic chamber. ITB's do NOT use ram theory to get that extra
kick at peak torque because they usually in race form do not have a
plenum. In some street ITB's, a plenum is attached for practical reasons
(sound deadening and filtering). They rely on very very large amounts
of passive cylinder filling based on the piston's effects and use tuned
air horn height and tapered diameter (with an S-shaped velocity stack
opening) to get the N/A pressure boost effect"
This is the qoute from the team-integra site... that was the info that i was taking into consideration.
understand that lenth of the runners as well as the lenth, diameter,
and volume of the velocity stacks, will be used for tuning the setup.
Thats the information that I'm trying to find. What factors do I need to
take into consideration when "tuning" the ITB setup? What length of the
runners will provide maximum velocity and power, and at which rpm band?
How do I calculate the optimum velocity stck length and taper? This is
basically what i ment. My apologies if I filed to state my question