Full Opening Check Valves
Full opening check valves are supposed to be installed horizontally too?
Clearance between body and disc is very small for these valves compared to regular swing check valve.
Any little intolerance at the hinge pin joint will cause the disc to drop a little on the body.
could be put two ways:
1. Can I find a piggable, full opening check valve on the market, type swing check, to be mounted in a vertical pipeline, flow direction vertical upwards, stopping downward flow.
The answer is yes.
2. Same question as above, but given a specific brand, type and size/pressureclass you already have in mind.
The answer is probably but the specific valve has to be allowed for this use by the factory. This might involve restrictions on type of inner surface of the valve related to type of pig, and require spring or outside weight and arm to close the valve.