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Ball valve body cavity corrosion 2010-11-30
This is a problem that does not have one recognized solution. Ulitmately, you will have to choose the method of protection that achieves your needs at an acceptable level of cost.
FE Testing 2010-11-30
What kind of fugitive emission testing are you doing? testing a packing, testing a gasket? or testing packing in a valve?
On-Line Ball Valve 2010-11-30
Ball valves get jammed in service becasue os some foreign particles between seat and ball, how we can overcome to this issue, is there any method to do in service (on-line)?
Pressure parts 2010-11-29
Pressure containing element within the scope of ASME Pressure Vessel Code must be fabricated of materials according to ASME (materials SA).
Special valve for cavitation 2010-11-29
Two multiorifice in serie that produce cavitation in a water coolant system of a nuclear plant. The DP is aproximately 3 kg/cm2 (Outlet pressure is atmosferic).
valve ball surface finish 2010-11-29
Trying to update our ball-valve ball specifications.I need to provides specifications for a 1.0" dia ball made of 316 SS.
"PBP" ball valve 2010-11-26
What the abbreviation "PBP" on a ball valve means. Finally he wants to know the manufacturer. He thinks, it is an american product.
Valves in Sour Service lines 2010-11-26
If sour service is such a menace to metal and a hazard to operator safety, then is it advisable to use manual operated (Hand opreated) valves in those lines.