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Welding valve ball on the line without demaging the seats 2010-11-24
Facing the challenge of finding a way to weld fully welded body Ball Valve.The matter is that, ones the valve is opened and the seat replaced, the body must be welded again without damaging the seats
Ball valve load analysis 2010-11-24
Assume the resistance torque on the ball is known as T, a constant, how much axial force F needed on the piston or two pins to drive the ball rotation?
Oversizing a PSV 2010-11-23
I'm sizing a relief valve for a gas-liquid separator, which belongs to a petroleum production field.
Proper valve call out 2010-11-23
Field sketches that instead of showing the standard call out for valves (i.e. 150# etc) what I'm getting; for example, 275WP or 275WOP and 275WOG. What is up with WOP and WOG?
Pressure reduction without loss of flow 2010-11-23
A closed loop chilled water system that runs at a differential pressure of 30 psi.
High Temperature Ball Valve 2010-11-23
3 way diverter, 1/4" Max pressure 10 Bar,Temperature: 500 Degree Celcius.
Ball valve pressure rating 2010-11-23
The ball valve 1 in size SS316 as 150# rating. On the valve body 5000psi rating is embossed.Are the two pressure equivalent?
Corrosion Allowance and Elastomers 2010-11-22
Is a CS body valve with 10mm corrosion allowance readily available for all pressure classes or if they need to be specially manufacturered? Or is the 10m corrosion allowance OTT (over the top)