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What is the difference in a "Standard" port and a "Regular" port? "Full Port" I understand. For example:
Flange to flange Double B & B ball valves 2010-11-12
Ballvalves in double bl & bl service are no difference from the normal ballvalves with built-in lenghts acc. to Ansi B16.5 B16.10 API602 BS5351 and DIN2501.
duocheck valve 2010-11-11
Looking for 3" duo check valve fire safe tested to be used with seawater class 150.
How to Prevent Entraped Solids causing damage to Ball and seat 2010-11-11
Application: can tolerate Leakage to the level given in API 6D for metal seated valves
Ball valve leakage - lifetime 2010-11-11
I know the test leak rates c.f. API 6D - but when you do an emission study you have to consider emissions from valves to the flare system
Fast cyrogenic LOX valves. 2010-11-11
Looking for advice on valves, my Servo driven ball valves have too much slop/hysteresis.
Underground Pipework for a DN350 2010-11-11
Routing underground pipework for a DN350 compressed air pipeline @10-13bar. I need to install several isolation valves along its length.
Different Ball Valve Port Types 2010-11-10
The difference between a full port, regular port, or reduced port ball valve? I have read a forum about full port and regular port.