Ball Valve Series

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Derivation of process conditions from valve CV 2010-11-10
Trying to determine the inlet pressure to a throttle valve. The information I have is:
Choke Valves 2010-11-10
The software programs I've found assume the user has a certain level of knowledge. I need a primer or tutorial of some sort.
CV by FEA simulation 2010-11-10
To give an example, I get approximately a CV of 200 for a 2 inches ball valve, but I should have about 500.
Chromium Plated Ball Valve 2010-11-10
Why chromium plated ball valves may not be acceptable in a refining environment?I have come across a guideline which just states that chromium plated balls are not accptable.
NACE MR0103 and NACE MR0175 2010-11-09
A requirement where the customer wanted complaince to NACE MR0103.What is the main difference between NCE MR 0175 and MR 0103.
Specification for Actuator 2010-11-09
While API 6A gives some requirement for Actuator, other Valvestandards/Specification does not go into details of actuator and the basic minimum requirement for actuator.
Ball Valve Acronym Question 2010-11-09
what the acronym CWP means when used to describe a ball valve?See the ball valve description below taken from a BOM.
Ball valve seal material for sour gas 2010-11-09
A trunnion ball valve for sour gas service at 38C, 285 psig. What would be the best seal material?
Shanghai MeiYan Yi Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
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Shanghai Saitai Pump & Valve CO., Lid.
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FengQi ball valve Contact FengQi