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Fixed Outlet Pressure Control Valve 2010-11-03
Nothing you asked for sounds much different from a regulator, otherwise known as a pressure reducing valve.
HIP'ing of High Presssure Valve Bodies 2010-11-03
High Pressure Isostatic Pressing being used a method of manufacturing valve bodies especially in duplex construction?
ESD valve- Hydraulic or Penumatic 2010-11-03
For selection of ESD valve actuator supply, what are factors that decide whether ESD valve shall be hydraulic or pneumatic?
valve testing 2010-11-03
Setting up a maintenace regime for a HRSG can anybody assist by telling me the time between stripdowns required of pilot operated safety valves?
Applications of RB valves on a pipeline 2010-11-03
The reasons for using RB valves on a pipeline and on which type of pipelines? I know only as the cost and should not be used on a pigable pipeline.
Special Valve 2010-11-02
What type of valve which is called Special Valve?Perhaps for some people a special valve is one that is not available from stock or not in a catalog, etc.
Upgading a ball valve 2010-11-02
I have an API 6D ball valve that shall sustain 450 bar @ 70°C. This presseure is over CL2500. Gas service, none corrosive.
Hollow and Solid Balls 2010-11-02
Use solid ball for a 2" floater and a hollow ball for a 3" floater.Will there be any difference in performance?