Ball Check Valve
A ball check valve is one of several different types of valves designed to permit the flow of material in one direction only. This type of check valve typically utilizes a spring-loaded ball inside a valve body. When pressurized material flows through the valve in one direction, the ball rises to allow passage. If non-pressurized material begins to flow in the opposite direction, the ball lowers to stop the unwanted material. Ball check valves are one of the simplest forms of one-way valves and can be used for many different applications including fuel and water pumping systems.
A typical ball check valve consists of a round ball inside a two-piece valve body. The interior walls of the valve body are usually conical to allow for precision seating. A check valve ball may be constructed of either metal or artificial ruby. Some types have a permanent valve body with replaceable inner components. The inner ball may be attached to a conical spring or allowed to move freely inside the valve body.