Nightstorm is getting frustrated
In anticipation of moving forward with my pond this year, I thought I’d
post a draft of the plans for my filter plumbing. I’ve tried to
incorporate everything I’ve learned here over the years and yes, it’s
turned out looking like an engineering schematic worthy of Doc Brown.
The pond that this will be servicing will be 10-12,000 gallons, gunite,
2’ raised wall, total of 7’ depth, 2 4” aerated BDs, 2 skimmers. In
addition to the main BD/TPR returns, it will have a number of adjustable
water features from the skimmer line, including a main waterfall,
secondary waterfall, “water feature” (such as bamboo or vase returning
to the pond), and a line to a concrete column “island” in the pond. The
TPRs are gravity-fed from the bakki shower.Ball Valves