valve ball surface finish
Trying to update our ball-valve ball specifications.
I need to provides specifications for a 1.0" dia ball made of 316 SS.
We currently called out 100v (valve grade balls) but there does not seem to be a specification for valve grade balls.
We require a 3 Rma surface finish, with a mirror finish.
Procuring 100v grade balls from some suppliers, we find they only have a 5 Rma finish, and it was dull not mirror.
Does anyone have a specification that addresses valve grade balls (which apparently have better surface finishes, but standard geometry tolerances)
The valves are used to contain a 3000 PSIG nitrogen and CO2 mixture.
They require low actuation forces and extremely low leakage rates. Because of this we have been using balls with a 3 finish and they have always come in with a mirror like appearance. We were told they were grade 100V (valve grade)which supposedly meant they met grade 100 dimensionally but better than 48 for surface finish.